Monday, February 14, 2011

let's just all be happy

A little part of me hates Valentine's Day.
Not because I hate love, of course.  I love telling people I love them.  I also love chocolate and flowers and cupcakes and decorating things (like my friend's boyfriend's car).  And I love dressing up and being happy.

But I do hate things that are exclusive.  I hate the name "singles awareness day", even though I have never felt that way on this day, and it doesn't apply to me now.  I wish everyone was happy, no matter what their circumstances are.  And most of all, I wish there wasn't such stigma attached to Valentine's Day.  Like if you're single you don't have feel lonely, and if you're not, you don't have to do anything special.  My own Valentine's Day celebration involved spending an entire day helping a youth group make a Valentine's Day banquet for a fundraiser, decorating and carrying plates and washing dishes, taking a break for dinner with the one who made it all worth it, and ending the day exhausted but happy.  And tonight I'm having dinner with a bunch of amazing girls.

So I guess I'm asking all of us to embrace this day because it's a day.  Because God gave us another chance for the millionth time, and that's pretty great.  I'm saying, let's not worry about romantic love or lack of it.  Let's spend time with people we love and tell them we love them.

Also, read this.  It's awesome and probably made my day.

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