Sunday, November 3, 2013

20? Okay, 8.

Inspired by a friend and fellow blogger, I decided to make a list of 20 things to do in the next year.  in no particular order.  Unfortunately, I came up with the first 5 right away and then spent forever deciding on more, eventually giving up after number 8.  Oh well.

Here they are:
  1. Read through the entire Bible.  I already started doing this with a wonderful friend/accountability partner, so let's hope we can stick with it.
  2. Knit another hat.  I lost my blue one.  (This will hopefully happen in the next month, as colder weather calls for more hats.)
  3. Run.  Another 5k maybe, or improve my mile time by at least 90 seconds.
  4. Drink lots of the weather gets colder, this will be easy.
  5. Also, make chai like Caleb does.  Or at least almost as good as Caleb's.
  6. Visit Janelle in her new home in Gainesville, Florida
  7. Christmas party.  Yep.  I brought it up in our house meeting last week, and this is definitely happening.
  8. Celebrate our first wedding anniversary!
Thinking long-term is hard.  But hey, here are a few of my goals, and maybe this will inspire you to think about your own!