Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Lesotho reflections: #2

A poem of sorts, which I wrote as a reflection the day before we left Lesotho.

Children, and orphans
dirty, poor, neglected --
and beautiful.
not many opportunities --
but will they be happy?
Poverty:  can I understand it?
Lesotho:  development
the complexities of "helping"
teaching independence
"We don't give anything for nothing."
Lesotho:  What does it mean for me?
life without technology, electricity,
running water, cars --
and I was happy.
How can our world be different?
between the privileged and the disadvantaged
an end to oppression?
Constructive confusion.
Thoughts about living overseas
less fear of the unknown.
I might not believe in "strangers" anymore
only people I don't know yet.

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