Sunday, June 26, 2011

a beginning

I decided a while ago that this summer I want to write something at the end of each week at camp, so that I have some real way of reflecting on what I've learned and treasured and experienced that week.  It's hard because there's so much.  So instead of trying to describe everything that happened during the past nine days of staff orientation at Highland, I think they can be summed up in these ways.

God is in our laughter.  I can't describe all the things that happened and the ways we made each other laugh this week.  But I know that the level of craziness, humor, and laughter at camp is something I haven't found anywhere else.  We truly love each other and love being together.

God is in the rain.  At the beginning of the week, it rained copious amounts every single day.  Everything was cool and wet and muddy, and even though I tend to love the sunshine, it was nice, in a way.  The earth lives on water, you know.

God is in the stars.  One night we had Fireside around the baby pool, dangling our feet and singing songs to the skies.  There's a kind of peace that comes over the world at Highland that can't be matched by a world with cars and lights and climate control and chaos.  Another time all the female staff walked back from the fire circle after dark and lay in a circle on the soccer field, watching the stars brighten and fade above us.

God is in our voices.  I love music.  Most people know that.  But even more than rehearsed music, I love the moments when it just happens and it is so beautiful.  We hiked to Tiger Rocks on Tuesday, which takes about three hours to get there.  And after eating lunch at the top, we spontaneously burst into our own rendition of "In The Jungle".  If you don't know, it's the song from The Lion King, with lots of harmony parts and creativity.  And that moment was so life-giving for me because of the way we all fit together without even trying.  It was symbolic of the way I feel about the staff this year:  cohesive, well-blended, exuberant, and loving.  I often wish my life was a musical, and that moment made me feel like it was.

And God is in the kids.  May we be prepared to accept them with outstretched arms this coming week.  May we be given enough grace, strength, and energy to give them everything they need.  And may God shine in us.

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