Friday, May 27, 2011


I feel like I'm losing my words.  Either that or summertime signifies a decrease in things that make me think deeply.  Actually, that's probably it.
Still, I have this need to express my current life in words, thereby validating it in some way.  So here's a random collaboration of thoughts, for better or for worse.

1)  There is so much wisdom to be learned from our elders.  At least my elders.  This week I helped my grandma clean her house, which mostly included talking to her, hearing her stories, thoughts, and life experiences.  I haven't even begun to imagine some of the things she's experienced, and I felt so blessed to hear her speak of them.
2)  I think I might try writing a poem every day for some undetermined stretch of time.  I love reading poetry, and I want to practice writing it too.
3)  People are great.  Did you know that?  This morning I decided that if my life were an experiment, the one conclusion I would feel qualified to make is this:  People are great.
4)  I am surprisingly (to myself) adamant in my dislike of Wal-Mart.  I've long been opposed to a corporation that ruthlessly exploits workers, vendors, and customers, but I recently read the book "How Wal-Mart is Destroying America (And the World):  And What You Can Do About It".  And since then, whenever I hear about people shopping at Wal-Mart, I just think, do they KNOW?  I mean, are they AWARE what they are supporting??
If you're curious, read that book.
5)  Yesterday Melody and I realized that we read different books of the Bible for our accountability group.  We're supposed to pick one together each week when we meet and then read that book, separately, throughout the week.  But this week we realized she read Romans and I read Hebrews, which is seemingly unexplainable and also hilarious.
6)  I'm going to a wedding tomorrow for two people I love a lot.  I think weddings have to be my favorite large social events -- they're just so happy!
7)  I'm taking a French language CLEP test in two weeks.  It's actually nice to re-induct myself into the language of my high school years... plus I get to read Charlie Brown in French.  I mean, really-- is there any better way to study?
8)  I am so inexpressibly excited to work at camp again this summer.  It is such a devote yourself to serving and loving more than you ever thought you could.  I know it's going to be challenging too, and I can't wait to see the ways God is working in all of our lives and what I learn from it.
9)  I've missed 11:11 a lot recently.  I'm not taking it as a sign.
10)  I'm finding myself simply thankful.  God is here, in my life, and I know such beautiful people.  And how lucky am I to get to experience both of those things at the same time?  Everyone should be so blessed.

So, although I would like to believe that my life is not quantifiable, there it is in list form.

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."  -Isaiah 30:21

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