Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Around the internet

So, I read a lot of articles. I'm constantly discovering awesome things online and usually want to share them with people. Sometimes, though, they just end up buried in one of my many bookmark folders to be re-discovered (by me) later. Anyway, here are a few of my recent discoveries that are, in my opinion, the most deserving of attention.
  • "How to Take Long Showers and Still Save the World From Drought": 
  • The truth about Dominion Resources
    • A very well-made infographic tour about the realities of our electricity sources in Virginia. http://www.domtruth.org/
  • The Infinite Hotel Paradox
    • The paradox: A hotel that is always completely full -- but always has room for more. This is a TED-Ed video explaining a classic mathematical brain twister. Don't let the math-y-ness scare you, because as usual, TED is awesome. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm thrilled that Hilbert's infinite hotel made the list of "awesome things" you've discovered recently! :)
